Our Residents
Herbert House, designed around the needs of mature men seeking recovery – a different type of recovery residence from anything else throughout West LA…
Our focus is on Men, ages 25 and up, who are mature in how they live and conduct themselves. Minimal structure helps our residents maintain their sobriety while still allowing them to meet their responsibilities. Herbert House attracts educated, working men as well as those currently enrolled in college or otherwise aspiring to become contributing members of society. Many of our residents also attend outpatient treatment during their stay at Herbert House Sober Living. The residents of Herbert House, despite their past or recent struggles with addiction and/or alcoholism, are responsible enough in their sobriety to wake up each morning and engage in life as a productive member of society.
For those who struggle with extreme dual-diagnosis, or who are in need of a more rigid structure and constant monitoring, Herbert House may not be the right fit. While Herbert House does have an onsite, 24/7, staff presence, the purpose for this lies more in offering guidance and ongoing support for those dealing with inherent life issues. For example, a resident may have recently been reprimanded at work and is struggling with cravings to drink or use as a means of calming stress created by the situation. While this is an unfortunate and sometimes painful event, forging through this pain and emerging on the other side can be a monumental victory for a man who once would numb the pain rather than push through it. Our experienced staff offers residents guidance to help them carve new patterns for living life as a mature, sober man.
Getting sober is just the beginning
Herbert House is a sober living environment that discourages the act of sitting around all day and doing nothing. We foster growth, responsibility and pride in our residents. We believe in fun, recreation, downtime and relaxation, and we also believe that at some point in one’s recovery process, just being sober is no longer enough. Especially here in Los Angeles, CA where an entire world of options exists. Becoming and staying sober is just the beginning to re-entering life. We hope to encourage our guests to also create and live by a new set of standards. If “Success in Sobriety!” is what you wish to achieve, we at Herbert House welcome you.

Herbert House Sober Living | "Your life wants you back!"
Setting the standard in addiction recovery housing for over 25 years
Herbert House Sober Living is an organization dedicated to helping guide mature men to a life of successful recovery. With over 20 years expertise and a pioneering role among the Los Angeles, CA recovery housing community, we successfully balance recovery, community, comfort and cost. We are unique, our mission is steadfast, and each opportunity to help rebuild a life (and family) is a process we truly cherish.